Monday, May 28, 2012


A little asian girl named Alea is in need of a liver transplant, and her prognosis is good if she can have the surgery. She is only 8 months old and needs just a few miracles. Right this very minute she is in a hospital in Beijing, China waiting for one of those miracles. She is all cleared for surgery, and waiting for available liver. This is amazing... she is an orphan, and they are doing this for her. God is absolutely working in this little girl's life. Another miracle is that China is preparing her paperwork, even though they originally wanted to wait until after surgery.  The American run foster home where Alea is living is trying to raise money for the medicines she will need following her surgery... it is most costly for the first two years, and then she will be on medication for the rest of her life (anti rejection drugs).   We need all of your prayers. Join us to pray for Alea to live... that she gets her surgery, that she lives a happy, healthy life. Read the following to find out more.
  1. Decide which envelope(s) you would like to choose,and an e-mail to Jenna at In your e-mail, tell her what envelope(s) you would like to choose and your name (as you would like it to appear on the "Envelopes Lists"). Jenna will update the envelopes lists once a week to reflect the names of new donors. Once a name is listed next to a particular number, that envelope is "chosen". If you choose envelope #5, you donate $5. If you choose envelope #456, you donate $456. You get the idea, right? What happens if you really want to donate $300, but someone else already took that envelope? Well, choose two envelopes: like #200 and #100 or maybe #184 and #116. Again, very simple.
  2. Once you have chosen your envelope(s), you can make your chosen donation amount to New Day Foster Home's fund for Alea by using the Chip-In button at the top of this blog's side bar. All donations are tax deductible, so save your receipts for your tax purposes. If you prefer to pay by check, you can send your donation by mail to: New Day Charities, PO Box 311671, New Braunfels, TX 78131-1671 (write "Hope for Alea" on the memo line).
  3. Please help us spread the word! Post about Alea, her need for a family, and this Red Envelope Fundraiser on your Facebook page, on your blog, on your local billboard (you know....whatever). Grab our blog button and put it in your sidebar! Tell everyone you know! We want Alea to have a fighting chance at life! We'd want that for our own children- and we are going to fight for her like she IS our own! We'd love for you to join the fight too!
  4. Questions? E-mail Jenna at
  5. Go to to find out more about Alea and her liver transplant.

Alea is currently in the hospital due to some issues she has been having. The doctors in China say a liver will become available very soon.....and we are praying that "very soon" means even today. Because, I see this video and think, "She MUST live!"However, Alea's doctor in China has told New Day to be prepared emotionally and financially for her to receive a new liver very soon. Karen, the director at New Day, was told that last week there were two possible donation options, but they were "not good enough" for Alea. But- they are actively searching for a new liver for Alea. This is incredibly awesome news- not just because it's a miracle that it is even happening, but also because Alea's best chance for survival is to get a new liver ASAP.I have been told she is a very sick baby. I know that seems obvious considering her condition- however it's much more so than you'd expect. She's strong, and determined, and holding her own right now- but she's terribly sick, and time is of the essence. With a new liver, her prognosis is very good! Without one, she will begin failing over the next 10 months. She likely will not live much past age two without a new liver.

In order for Alea to have her surgery in China when a liver is found (and we are trusting this will be VERY soon), New Day needs to have $68,000 to pay for it. We need people who will care enough about Alea to give sacrificially!

We have to tell everyone we know about Alea and
how they can be part of her miracle by giving to the
Hope for Alea fund!

One of you who helps to spread the word will
win a $25 gift certificate to Wild Olive Tees!
Here's how you can spread the word about our Red Envelope Fundraiser for Alea and have a chance to win:

  • Grab the blog button, and put it in your blog sidebar (1 entry).
  • Post on your blog about Hope for Alea, and encourage them to give as part of the Red Envelope Fundraiser to bring Alea hope! Leave a comment here with a link to your blog post. (2 entries).
  • Post a status on your Facebook page that shares the link to this Hope For Alea blog- or directly to the fundraiser post! In the status invite people to give to bring Alea HOPE, and to sahre your status to spread thw word even further! Tag New Day Foster Home in your post so it shows up on their page as well (3 entries).
To officially enter- do some (or ALL!) of these things, and leave a comment on this post telling us what you did (please also include a link so we can find your blog post) and how many entries that would give you!

We are asking everyone to advocate for Alea as if she were your very own child who desperately needs this surgery to survive. She doesn't have a mom or dad who can pull out all the stops to see that she gets the new liver she needs. She needs people like you and me who will do that for her. We have had over 100 people read the post about the Red Envelope Campaign for Alea. Over 1,000 people have read the post about adopting Alea. The hope for Alea site has had over 5,000 visitors. And yet, only 16 people have given money to help Alea. Sixteen. The awesome pat is that 16 people have given nearly $5,000! But, we need 484 more people to choose and envelope and give. If we get that, Alea's surgery will be almost completely covered!!!

If you have not given yet- please give now.
If you have not told everyone you know about Alea yet,
now is the time!

Alea is worth it- and God is already moving on her behalf.

I don't know about you, but when God moves-
I want to be part of what He's doing!

Alea drinking her first bottle of special formula specific for children with liver issues
sent to her from here in the states.

We want Alea's family someday to know how many, many people cared about her and loved her enough to donate money to give her the surgery she needs to survive. Once you e-mail Jenna with your envelope choice(s), she will e-mail you back giving you an opportunity to e-mail in a blessing, wish, or note along with a picture of you or your family. These notes and blessings will be compiled into a book to give to Alea and her family when she is adopted so that they can know how many people fought for the life of their little girl before they could. And, so that Alea can know exactly how loved and valued she has always been!

Have you ever been a part of a miracle before?
Don't miss your chance-
donate today to help bring hope to Alea!
And remember, peace and peanut butter forever!!!!!!!! :)

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